HPを更新した! Website Update


My site had been down the past week because I was trying to incorporate blog features. Previously, I was hosting my website on CARRD which did not support the feature to add posts so I had to move over to another hosting service. This took up a lot of my free time but it’s finally over! There’s no email subscription services, but I’ll be letting you all know if there are any new updates via YouTube, X(Twitter) and Discord.






  • リスナーに自分のことをもっと伝えることができる
  • 時間がなかったり、配信の雰囲気に合わなかったりして話せない話題を、もっと話せるようになる
  • 考えや 最新情報、話をアーカイブできることは、新しいリスナーにとっても、長く聴いてくれている方にとっても参考になります。

Why add a blogging feature?

At the beginning of the month, I wanted to be able to post more personal updates to my viewers but I felt that the features of X(Twitter) and YouTube were lacking with no good sorting and writing features. Discord was too community focused and could only be accessed if you were in the Anko membership plan. I wanted a wider reach with easier accessibility but because I haven’t been doing a lot of Nianyan Morning broadcasts, I wasn’t sure when I should announce this new feature. I wanted to get this done in time for the four month anniversary celebration, hence the reveal today!

It started off as an idea for those in membership, but I wanted to also utilize this type of long-form content creation in order to:

  • Communicate directly with my viewers and share more about myself
  • Allowing me to delve deeper into topics that matter to me and my fans
  • Being able to archive my thoughts, updates and stories can be helpful for new and long-time viewers


  • メンバー限定: にあにゃんの写真付き日記。日常生活、食べたもの、行った場所など…
    • あんこプランの方は、YouTube Communityからアクセスできます。投稿して、閲覧用のパスワードを添付します
  • グッズ: 新商品の発表、その商品についての説明、その商品の生産の様子、今後のグッズ予定など
  • VTuberの活動: 参加型企画、重要な節目、コラボ、リスナーによる二次的著作物の紹介(イラスト、切り抜きなど)など
  • お茶:最近飲んだお茶、茶器、季節の紅茶、レシピのお勧め、など




What type of content can viewers expect?

  • Membership Only: Nianyan’s Diary. My daily life with photos when I’m off-stream.
    • Anko plan members will be able to access those pages via YouTube Community. I will make a post and attach the password for viewing.
  • Merchandise: Reviewing merchandise I have released for sale, production process, upcoming goods
  • Activities: Events, significant milestones, collaborations, highlighting my community work (fan-art, clips, etc) and more
  • Tea: My recommendations on teas, recipes, tea ware, and more

(Topics regarding my activities and merchandise will be covered on regular livestreams. The blog is an alternative for those who do not have much time to watch archives. I will not be covering gaming or chatting streams on my blog.)

I’m hoping to update as much as I can while I’m in school. Hopefully, through this way, we can stay more in touch despite my decreased stream frequency. Thank you for all the support, and please look forward to the next post on my anniversary stream!

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