Matcha March: Stamp Rally

Hello everyone! I’m pleased to announce my month-long event in March, the “Matcha March Stamp Rally”!

As you all may know, April is my 3rd anniversary and to build up excitement for it, I would like to use all of March (as it is the 3rd month of the year) to connect with all my Anko’s. This means that anyone is welcome to participant in this event!

I was inspired by the stamp rally events from Japan, artists and around the world and I thought this would be a good way for all Anko’s to take part in through my teahouse!

Event Timeline

  • March 1st – 31st
  • All details will have been publicized by the last week of February, feel free to check out Nianyan Morning for details as I’ve talked about it there.

About The Stamp Rally

  • Each day I will post a unique stamp (emote) and with the stamp card that I will share with everyone, please use your phone/tablets/computer to “stamp” the day.
    • Day 1 = Heart Emote
    • Day 2 = Tea Emote
    • And so on…
  • YouTube has the option to make posts disappear after 24 hours so I will be using scheduled posts that will automatically share the stamp at midnight in my time.
  • However, one some days, you all will receive freebies through my Nianyan Morning streams. These will be up permanently, so you don’t need to always be on the lookout and can still claim prizes even if you miss or forget to stamp it
  • Depending on how much you collect, you will receive a small prize that matches the range.
  • This is open to all Anko’s!

What are the Rewards?

  • Less than 7:
    • Thank you video
  • +7 Minimum:
    • Thank you video,
    • Exclusive digital illustration (for this stamp rally)
  • +14 Minimum:
    • Personalized thank you video
    • Exclusive digital illustration
    • Exclusive digital polaroid design
  • +21 Minimum:
    • Personalized thank you video,
    • Exclusive digital and printed illustration (receive 2 different designs)
    • Exclusive digital and personalized printed polaroid design

How Do I Receive It?

  • Digital rewards will be received by email
  • Physical rewards will be mailed, so please be aware that you need to have your address shared.

Are there any rules?

  • I cannot stop anyone from sharing the stamp of the day with others, but please sure to do it in DM and not publicly (Ex. server, twitter hashtags). However, feel free to remind others about it!
    • e.x. “Guys, she posted the stamp for today!!”
  • I would like to encourage everyone to come visit me more and I think the event will be much more enjoyable if you are honest and make the effort to collect the stamp
  • (You can think of it as gacha dailies! Hehe)
  • Do not worry if you fail to get every stamp, there is a reward for everyone, as long as you have minimum one stamp

Submitting Stamp Card

  • I will open a Google Form for you all to submit your stamp cards which will have your name on it
  • If you believe you are eligible for a physical reward, I will require you to enter in your address to receive the physical gifts
  • After a certain time, the Google Form will close, so if you do not submit your stamp card, I cannot make an exception as I will need to print physical copies of some rewards.


I hope this event will be fun for all Anko’s! I’m very excited to see how much each person will stamp, and how some stamp cards will look for you all. Please know that this is for fun, and there is no “bad” or “good” Anko for being able to stamp everything. I would like for you all to enjoy this event in your own way.

My goal for the stamp rally is to build up more excitement to my 3rd anniversary, so please feel free to share with your friends.

Happy Matcha March-ing!

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